Paths of Magic Playtest has Closed!


After a solid eight weeks of testing, the Paths of Magic playtest is finally over! Well, sort of.

While this is the official “end” of the playtest, all of the documents will remain publicly available on Google Drive, and the discussion threads remain open on Giant in the Playground, Paizo forums, and Reddit.

Of course, this is only the beginning for Paths of Magic. There’s still quite a bit to be done (early 2021 release, ideally), and we’ll be giving out updates along the way! Every two weeks or so we’ll be making progress updates, developer musings, and more here on the Ascension Games’ blog.

If you want to keep up with the development progress, you can always follow us on Facebook or Twitter to see updates as we post them.

Thank you to everyone that participated in the playtest; your feedback has been a great help. Until next time!

Chris Moore
Ascension Games Lead Designer